



Additional Services


TANNING - 10 Minute Beds

Per membership  (Ages 18 & up.) $15.00 Plus Tax




Membership Descriptions


Temporary Member - Anyone who does not reside in the area. Each person must have own membership. We do not offer couple or family rates for temporary members.

Student - Full-time jr High, High School, or College Student.

Couple - 2 People that are Permanent residents in the same household that are immediate family

Family - 3 to 5 people that are permanent residents in the same household that are immediate family. *5$ charge per additional qualifying person*


Immediate family -  significant other, spouse, guardian, parent, children or sibling of the membership holder, no one else qualifies as immediate family.


Minimum age allowed for membership is 13.



Certified Personal Trainers


Tara Frutiger

Warren house

Cierra Mota

Natasha Turner


Certified personal trainers are contractors, not employees of Peak Fitness.

They make their own prices and schedules.

All clients must have an active gym membership.